In Edurep, the following list of permitted values, often referred to as 'vocabulary', is used to describe the educational level for which certain learning material is intended.
For example:
- PO: 512e4729-03a4-43a2-95ba-758071d1b725
- VO: 2a1401e9-c223-493b-9b86-78f6993b1a8d
- MBO: f3ac3fbb-5eae-49e0-8494-0a44855fff25
- WO: bbbd99c6-cf49-4980-baed-12388f8dcff4
It is MANDATORY to enter the classification with Purpose="education level" when describing material whose Aggregation Level has the value "3" or "4".
<langstring xml:lang="x-none">http://purl.edustandaard.nl/classification_purpose_nllom_20180530</langstring>
<langstring xml:lang="x-none">educational level</langstring>
<langstring xml:lang="x-none">http://purl.edustandaard.nl/begrippenkader</langstring>
<langstring xml:lang="nl">Voortgezet onderwijs</langstring>
In schema.org there is no equivalent for the NL LOM educational context field. During the conversion, the values from the educational context field are translated into equivalent educational level values.
Educational level values supplied as Schema.org are not translated back to an equivalent NL LOM context value.
"@context": {
"schema": "https://schema.org/"
"schema:educationalLevel": {
"@id": "http://purl.edustandaard.nl/begrippenkader/2a1401e9-c223-493b-9b86-78f6993b1a8d",
"@type": "schema:DefinedTerm",
"schema:inDefinedTermSet": "http://purl.edustandaard.nl/begrippenkader",
"schema:name": [
"@language": "nl",
"@value": "Voortgezet onderwijs"
"@language": "nl",
"@value": "VO"
"schema:termCode": "2a1401e9-c223-493b-9b86-78f6993b1a8d"
There can be more than one value associated with schema:name, i.e. multiple associated labels for the same educational level.
Searching with
- lom.classification.educationallevel.id or schema.org equivalent schema:educationalLevel.schema:termCode
- lom.classification.educationallevel.entry or schema.org equivalent schema:educationalLevel.schema:name
will return the same result.
You can search by sector, for example PO:
Or by a certain level, for example HAVO 4 or HAVO 5:
See Also