KNF:SSO notificatie middels een redirect/en
Nederlands | English |
The SSO notification cookie can be placed, after the user has logged in on the schoolportal, with an redirect to Entree Federation.
Config redirect URL
The redirect URL has 4 parts:
- The Entree Federatie URL where the redirect will be redirected to.
- The unique identifier of the Identity Provider as known in Entree Federatie. This is the entity ID of the IdP and can be found here:
- The URL (url-encoded) of the serveraddress where it comes from.
- The redirectURI (url-encoded), this is the URL where the users goes to after the redirect. In most cases this is the same place, but if needed it can be somewhere else. This has to be an address owned by the school, it can't be the address of the Service Provider.
Important: Before you can use the SSO notification, the URL needs to be added to the whitelist. You can send the URL via an ticket Kennisnet.
Endpoint new platform
- production:<identifier van de IdP>&url=<url-encoded ELO URL>&redirectUri=<url-encoded redirect URL>
- staging: there is no SSO notificatie service for staging (yet).
The redirect URL looks like this:<identifier van de IdP>&url=<url-encoded ELO URL>&redirectUri=<url-encoded redirect URL>
Endpoint old platform
- productie:
- staging:
The redirect URL will look like this:<identifier van de IdP>&url=<url-encoded ELO URL>&redirectUri=<url-encoded redirect URL>
In the example, this is the IdP identifier, and this is de URL where the redirects starts and this is the url where the user will be redirected to afthe the cookie is set