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< Edurep:Metadata‎ | Formaat
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The mime type of a record can be noted in this field. It is used to indicate the technical data type of the learning object. This can be used by implementers to check with which software the object can be opened, but also to indicate (graphically, for example with an icon) what type of learning resource it is (video, audio, etc.).

  • The format field is not intended to indicate that the material can be downloaded in multiple formats. The output format is used for this.
  • The official mime types must be used. If a desired mime type is not registered as such with IANA, the mime type must be preceded by "x-", for example: "application/x-ACTIVprimary3".
  • The format "non-digital" should be used to indicate that a learning object has no representation on the Internet (e.g. books).


Bullet book.png Specificatie Nl.gif (leidend)

Bullet book.png Specificatie En.gif (leidend)
  "@context": {
    "schema": ""
  "schema:encodingFormat": "text/html"


Searching with lom.technical.format or equivalent schema:encodingFormat will return the same result.


An overview of the mime types used in Edurep can be obtained by doing a drilldown on lom.technical.format.

Mime types that are common in Edurep are:

  • text/html
  • image/jpeg
  • application/zip
  • application/pdf
  • application/x-Wikiwijs-Arrangement
  • application/msword
  • video/
/edurep/sruns: query=*&maximumRecords=0&x-term-drilldown=lom.technical.format:0
/jsonsearch: query=*&page-size=0&facet=schema:encodingFormat:0

These formats can then be included in the search query to get all records of 1 document type. The query below searches for two different digital whiteboard formats:

/edurep/sruns: query=lom.technical.format exact "application/x-ACTIVprimary3" OR lom.technical.format exact "application/x-smarttech-notebook"

You can also search for the non-literal text of mime-type. For example, you can query all videos in Edurep:

/edurep/sruns: query=lom.technical.format=video
/jsonsearch: query=schema:encodingFormat=video

This is an example of how to search for all digital learning materials in Edurep:

/edurep/sruns: query=edurep NOT lom.technical.format exact non-digital

See Also

Gebruikt in Edurep:Metadata
Vergelijkbaar met -
Gerelateerd aan Edurep:VeldenlijstEdurep:Metadata/Uitvoerformaten